Loukia’s Cycladic Studio is equipped with air conditioning system, kitchen with utensils, refrigerator, flat led tv, bathroom, yard and balcony with view to the village.
Furthermore, you may park your vehicle at our private parking lot.
In case you do not have a vehicle, the bus station is only 50m from our facilities.
The studio is equipped with double sound-proof windows, so you may enjoy your privacy.
The studio has a private balcony with view to the village where you may enjoy your dinner under the stars, or watch the magnificent sunset with a glass of wine.
On the other side of the studio, there is a small yard where you may eat your lunch, under the shadow.
What pictures cannot express, is the friendly enviroment, and the hospitality that we will offer gently
The studio is located 450 meters from the beach of kini on the main street.
It is easy to find it, if you ask for Loukia’s Studio. The area is called “Elies”.
We operate under the Hellenic short-term lease legislation.
Registration number – Α.Μ.Α. 00001920464 (Cycladic Studio)